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Hi, hello!
My name is Kaylee Kirby Farrow, although, a lot of people call me "Kirbz." I was born and raised in Elberton, GA (no surprise, if you haven't heard of it). It's small and perfect, and I will always call that place home.
I currently live in Ridge Spring, SC with my incredible
husband, Austin. He supports all my wild and wacky
ideas because he loves the art of mystical creativity and wonder just as much as I do! If you see me, I will either
have a camera in hand or a coffee... both are very
important parts of day. I'm a Graduate of Emmanuel
College in Franklin Springs, GA - a wonderful school
which molded me into the person I am today. I love
Jesus and cats. Obviously, I'm a video/photo fanatic/nerd/explorer/whatever you want to call it. Basically, I just
love capturing life! I would love to capture yours in
whatever wacky/weird/normal/creative way you have in mind. From Videography to Photography. From Weddings to Family Portraits. If you choose me to work with you, I vow to give myself completely - 'cause what's the point in doing something if you don't do it with everything you have?